Montres Choisi story begins in 1929 with the founding of a family business in Bienne, the heart of watchmaking in Switzerland. The company produced numerous mechanical timepieces under its own label "CHOISI SUISSE ", accepting only perfection and manufactured watches of the highest quality. The company also developed rapidly and earned an excellent reputation of being a 3rd party manufacture for the assembly of watches and development of movement complications such as chronographs, watches with moon phases etc., many of which were supplied to leading Swiss brands for the creation of their own timepieces.
Since the company's founding, Montres Choisi has always been a mark of Swiss quality with an illustrious history. Its involvement in the industry to adapt complications on base movements and executing various kinds of finishes to cater to the growing sophisticated market has gained much respect and trust in the Swiss watchmaking community.
In 2013 under a new ownership, Montres Choisi reintroduced the art of fine watchmaking with designs that encapsulate the enduring classics from the bygone era. With this rebirth, Montres Choisi is able to continue its fine tradition of producing quality Swiss made timepieces at a price point that is accepted by the masses.
The new collection is presented as follows:
The 1929 Collection
The 1929 Collection embodies the experimental spirit of the 1920s era where various case shapes took form. One of the most noticeable case style that emerged as the trend of its day was the cushion-shaped case, which until today remains a popular style icon. To encapsulate the spirit of creativity, what's more fitting than to create a cushion shape collection to mark the birth date of Choisi?
The Heritage Collection
The Heritage Collection captures the essence of a classic watch design. A form that can never fall out of fashion, the round 42 mm case design strikes a perfect balance between wearability and style. Its high detailing allows instant readability. Sophisticated yet unassuming, the Heritage Collection is a subtle reflection of enduring true values.